A New Year
March 9, 2017
Somehow a year has passed. I am not quite sure how it happened, but here we go again. What a crazy ride it has been. This year seems to be equally exciting. We put our house on the market and sold it 48 hours later. Suddenly this crazy idea of ours is getting real.
My personal photography projects have fallen behind. I had this really great idea about getting organized over the winter, revamping my website to align more with my style, and really getting creative taking pictures of my own family. Now it is March and we are on the cusp of spring and my project to do list has yet to be checked off.
There always seems to be more things to do than time in the day. Sometimes I wonder why I take on the extra projects. Staying home with my kids and taking care of my family is definitely enough work to fill my day.
Somehow a year has passed. I am not quite sure how it happened, but here we go again. What a crazy ride it has been. This year seems to be equally exciting. We put our house on the market and sold it 48 hours later. Suddenly this crazy idea of ours is getting real.
My personal photography projects have fallen behind. I had this really great idea about getting organized over the winter, revamping my website to align more with my style, and really getting creative taking pictures of my own family. Now it is March and we are on the cusp of spring and my project to do list has yet to be checked off.
There always seems to be more things to do than time in the day. Sometimes I wonder why I take on the extra projects. Staying home with my kids and taking care of my family is definitely enough work to fill my day.
Then I come across pictures like these and I remember that I do this because I love it. The staying up late, getting up early, missed social opportunities are so worth it. It is such a privilege to be invited into other people's lives. Time passes so quickly and these imperfect moments are worth remembering. I love documentary photography and capturing the beauty and the memories in the everyday.
The above photo is from Christmas morning. My kids leapt out of bed and woke everyone up before 6 am. This will always be my idea of the perfect family photo. The sleepy eyes. The rosy cheeks. The connection between family. The coffee. The love. I feel pretty darn lucky to be surrounded by such a loving and supportive family.