A Picture A Week

April 10, 2016

The weather has been a bit strange here in Minnesota.  One last snow storm to really remind us where we live and then today...SPRING!  This of course means we were off to our neighborhood park where you can now find us most days of the week.  

There is nothing like getting a glimpse into how a child sees the world.  Time seems to slow down and speed up all at once.  Everything is amazing and edible.  

This picture a week thing has turned out to be a fantastic creative challenge.  Yes I think my children are beautiful, but how can I make each week a bit different?  I had a fantastic idea about capturing my daughter peaking out of her adorable sun hat.  She did not think it was so fantastic and refused to stop moving.  Oh well.  Plan B!   I am looking forward to what each new week has to offer.  


A Picture A Week


Badass Women