Are you a cat or dog person?

🐾 Are you a cat or a dog person? I hate cats. I have always hated cats. Show me a pic and I will give a polite. Mmmm.

After years of begging from children we finally agreed it was time to add a pet to the family. A dog was too much work with our busy schedules, and a 4 year old who is scared of them as well. (minor detail). Guinea Pigs weren't quite interactive enough and required too much supervision.

We landed on cats, but I HATE cats. As we went to the humane society and I was in a room filled with a litter of kittens, my son and I were grinning from ear to ear. My heart melted and we left with two!

2 weeks in and here is what I learned. I really like cats. They are playful, friendly, but also independent. I love how Waffles curls up on my chest while I read at night and Mookie enjoys sitting with me for my morning coffee.

It's funny how we carry beliefs from childhood, family and others without always realizing how they have seeped in.

Reflecting on this experience, it's a powerful reminder to pause and question our opinions and perspectives.

Are these beliefs truly ours?
Are they true today?
Are there other possibilities?

In a world driven by social media and curated newsfeeds, it's crucial to stretch our beliefs and engage in diverse conversations.

Lean into uncomfortable discussions and listen.

Engage in respectful debates with differing opinions and listen.

Connect with people whose backgrounds differ from yours and listen.

The beauty lies in the diversity of experiences and opinions, reminding us that there isn't always a single right or true answer.

So, here's to leaning into discomfort, having meaningful conversations, and truly listening to one another. 🌐

Thank you to the Animal Humane Society in Coon Rapids who were so wonderful. If you need a humanity boost sit back and watch all the wonderful volunteers and pets being adopted. It was beyond heart warming.


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