Pen & Paper Society
I was invited on a creative and inspirational trip to Paris when the Pen & Paper Society was just beginning. Was I interested? HELL YES! I was, however, about to give birth to my second child and she would only be a few months at the time of the trip. The reality sunk in that I was in a different stage of life than these talented ladies. My days are filled with play dates, nap times, kissing ouches, and a lot of diapers. My evenings are filled with trying to squeeze in a few hours of work and getting ready to start the next day all over again. Most of the time I am thrilled that this is my existence. Other times I would rather fly off to Paris.
A few months later I had the opportunity to take pictures once again for their wonderful blog Pen & Paper Society. We had a wonderful plan to have all afternoon to run around Minneapolis and take pictures. Life happened and our leisurely afternoon was condensed into a quick hour. It may not have been Paris, but it still was magical. Without traveling abroad I can still explore a city, laugh, enjoy the company of creative individuals, and get a little lost. Most importantly it reminded me how much I love to take pictures.
Allie, Kendall, and Stella are three beautiful, talented, intelligent, and creative individuals. They remind me that we all struggle sometimes with where we are in life in comparison to where we want to be. We are all capable of so much. Often one act of bravery inspires the next. Their leap reminds me to jump in. I look forward to seeing where this blog leads, and of course to our next inspirational trip ...Iceland perhaps?!