Let it go- Day 2
I think it is interesting that we often leap into what we want to change or do differently before taking time to appreciate where we have been. There is such powerful information in our previous choices, habits, and mind-sets. Our brains like to automate and make our actions predictable. It makes sense that we often do the same thing again and again even if we REALLy want to change this time. If we don’t address where we are coming from and what might be holding us back we don’t have a chance at true and lasting change.
Take some quiet time to reflect on the past year and is there anything that you need to let go of? Is there anything holding you back? Do you have any limiting beliefs or self-talk that is on repeat? This is collecting evidence and reflection. This isn’t an opportunity to beat yourself up or get stuck in a sad story. Pretend that you are working with me as your health coach and you are painting a picture of your past year. Frustrations, feelings, and thoughts are all good. A shame or guilt cycle is not. If you catch yourself beating yourself up take a deep breath in, breath it out, and then come back to the exercise.
How was your career? Relationship with yourself or others? Nourishment? Movement? Stress & anxiety level? Passion & Pleasure? Sleep?
Some things that might come up for you. I eat pretty well and move my body, but my anxiety is off the charts. I haven’t slept well in months. I have been stressed to the max for the last year. I am using alcohol or food more often than I would like to cope. I am fine. Life is fine, but I have always wanted to … what is holding me back from taking that first step? How am I in my 30s,40s or 50s and I don’t like my body or feel good in it still? I don’t feel strong in my body anymore.
Set your time or set a number of pages and just let it flow. If possible you can even reach out to a friend and process out lout, or me for a 30 minute free session and you can gain clarity in where you are coming from.
I was pretty shocked what came up for me when I did this exercise. You can see my next blog post about my experience.
Sometimes we need to sit in this uncomfortable space to realize and be still with what is going on in our life. It is only then that we can choose to create a different future for ourselves.
Sign up for a free 30 minute mini session with me below.