spell check- self check


In case you were wondering, I’m not perfect. In case you were wondering, you don’t have to be either.

I recently got a form submission on my website that said “You spelled the word ‘practise’ wrong on your site. Errors can look like you don’t have credibility.” My heart dropped into my stomach and I instantly poured through my site looking for the spelling error that apparently negated all my hard work and training.

Then I paused. Who is this person? If they truly wanted to be helpful they would have told me exactly where the error was so that I could quickly and easily fix it. Then I really went for it. What a jerk! You don’t know how hard I worked on that site. I set up my defense and starting listing evidence of my credibility in my head to this unknown person. In my mind I went off and was pissed about how this guy could take my credibility.

Then I caught myself. No one had taken anything from me. I had just handed it over with one anonymous email. I have studied, trained, and practiced for years. I have gotten multiple certifications and am constantly learning and evolving guided by my clients needs. I built a website when I had no idea what I was doing, did the photo shoot, edited the photos and wrote the content. I shamelessly asked for help from all the amazing people in my tribe who were willing to do fancy tech things to make my website even better, snap the camera for me, and edit content. I am building a business I believe in and love during a pandemic with 3 kids at home. Essentially you can kiss my ass. Whether I spell it write or not.

Why do we give our power away? Why can such simple words from a stranger topple us so quickly? So, in case you were wondering I am not perfect. I am a fantastic holistic health coach AND I make spelling errors.

Make mistakes, move forward, learn, and stop giving away pieces of yourself to anonymous critics. Oh and if you find a spelling error, just tell me where it is so I can fix it!


Oh there you are!


Cleansing & Intermittent Fasting