Time to unpack


Women carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. We care for our children, partners, parents, friends, community, jobs, and sometimes at the end of the night we remember ourselves for a brief moment. We carry around so much weight in our day to day lives that can make it hard to change. Sometimes the weight physically manifests on our bodies, but sometimes not. Sometimes it is our stress, anxiety, trouble sleeping, or that little feeling that something needs to change.

You aren’t broken. There is nothing to fix. It is more about coming back to yourself than changing anything. Time to unpack all the crap you have picked up along the way and are still dragging along with you. Maybe you hate your body and always thought you were fat. Maybe you learned that the only way you have value is to take care of everyone else. Maybe you learned to play small, so that you didn’t make other members of your family uncomfortable. Maybe you learned not to be too loud or take up too much space.

Are these voices, messages, and stories serving you or is it time to unpack some of the weight?

We carry so much unnecessary weight. Others’ opinions, expectations, and stories that no longer serve us. Then we wonder why we can’t run faster, stop stress eating, or quite get up the motivation to do that thing we have always wanted to do.

You can’t because you are carrying a friggin 300lb pack of other people's shit! That’s why!

You carry the weight of the world because you want to. You want to be a strong kick ass leader. Just make sure that you are carrying what matters most to you. Not everyone else’s crap that has been tossed in over the years.

What is something that you are ready to unpack or set down?


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